You know you need a new WordPress Website. But you’re not sure whether to go down the design or theme route? Whether you’re a new business or going for a rebrand, it can be hard to know the best approach to take.
You want your WordPress website to work hard and meet your business requirements. But you also want it to look great and match your brand rather than looking like someone else’s WordPress website! On top of that, you don’t have an infinite budget (wouldn’t that be nice)!
Well, what if we told you, whilst there are decisions to be made, you can have all 3! We have outlined the steps involved in both routes along with the common pros and cons to help you decide.
What’s the Difference?
The below infographic shows the steps involved in each approach.
WordPress Design
If you decide to take this approach, your WordPress website will be built to a design that is bespoke to you. You, therefore, also have complete flexibility within the budget constraints. However, because of the additional work involved, this does mean it takes more time to complete and is the more expensive route.
WordPress Theme
Just because you choose a theme doesn’t mean that you don’t have a say over how your WordPress website looks or that it can’t be integrated with your brand. Here, you will choose a working demo site that has the look and functionality you want for your site. As this is used as a base to build on, there isn’t as much flexibility as a site designed and built from scratch. Therefore, it’s essential to make sure you choose a working demo site with the look and functionality you need (or the option to add this). Your WordPress Web Design Agency will be able to assist with this. Because this approach skips the design stage, it generally works out quicker and is cheaper.
Decisions Decisions
So how do you decide between the two? You know your business best. You need to weigh up what your non-negotiables are for your WordPress website vs. budget.
Here at Rigorous Digital, we offer both the design and theme approaches. We are happy to talk through this with you in more detail if you would like help to decide which route is best for your business. So get in touch if you would like to find out more.