Rigorous Digital

Taking Care of Your Charity Website

Your charity website is an ideal opportunity to showcase to the world all the fantastic work you do. No matter how you get the word out about your charitable activities, interested individuals will often arrive at your homepage. From word of mouth to social media, most people looking to find out more will enter your charity’s name into a search engine.

Prospective partners will want to know more about what you do. Potential donors like to know where their money goes. And budding volunteers will take a keen interest in how they might help. It is, therefore, imperative to be ready when people look you up and ensure your site and, by extension, your organisation looks its best.

Staying Current

Do you dream of an impressive website design? Visualising seamless donation buttons, regular news updates and frequent case studies to ensure your website stays relevant and vibrant?

One of the best ways to catch the eye of a potential stakeholder is to keep your charity website current. Promote what your organisation is doing and the difference it makes. You can achieve this with fresh, up-to-date content.

New website features can also impact perception, from visual effects to complete online stores. You can use your website to help your organisation grow. Modern design and functionality is a fantastic way to do that. 

Charity Website Challenges

However, this is often where resourcing becomes the most significant issue. It can be challenging to justify a dedicated paid staff member for the website alone. Especially as the associated costs won’t necessarily show an immediate direct return on investment.

Enthusiastic volunteers with the necessary skills are available but in short supply. Therefore, some charities opt to combine website oversight with other roles, often of a higher priority. In practice, this can mean that your charity website receives sporadic updates. As a result, your website content and features often remain much the same as at launch, and while people are full of good ideas, time to implement them is at a premium.

This is where a WordPress agency can help. Particularly one that specialises in the third sector and understands the specific challenges you face.

Promoting Your Brand and Protecting Your Data

Over a quarter of UK charities experienced a cyber attack in the 12 months up to March 2021. To a potential attacker, your charity website and data are highly valuable. Unmaintained websites are among the most significant reasons behind successful breaches. This can not only impact in the short term during the downtime but also lead to ongoing reputational damage.

Here at Rigorous Digital, we appreciate the ever-evolving needs of the third sector. With one of our website maintenance packages, we can help your charity website make the best impression. All our packages combine regular updates to your plugins and themes with active, around the clock monitoring to ensure your site stays online and protected. Our proactive and bespoke packages also include additional design and development time to take care of those little tweaks that make all the difference. Get in touch if you would like to find out more, or discover our web design for charities page.